Kus on keha?

Where is the body?


Õlimaalid 45 x 45 cm, seinamaal

Kuraatorid: Lilian Hiob ja Julius Pristauz

Tegemist on EKA maali õppetooli ja Viini Vabade Kunstide Akadeemia laiendatud maali kursuse juhendajate Daniel Richteri ja Nazim Ünal Yilmazi tudengite koostöönäitusega. Näituse kuraatoriteks on Eestist Lilian Hiob ja Austriast Julius Pristauz.

“Kus on keha?” koondab eeldusi, väiteid ja küsimusi erinevate (enese)teostusvormide kohta. Näituse kuraatorikontseptsioonis on kesksel kohal küsimused selle kohta, kuidas keha praegu üliõpilaste praktikas esindatuse poolest paikneb. Näitus esitleb erinevaid kehakujutusi ja arusaamu kehast üha kiiresti pöörlevas maailmas, avades ruumi selle ümber toimuvateks aruteludeks.

Näitus leidis aset kahes peatükis, millest esimene toimus Austrias Viinis ning teine Eestis Narvas.

Rohkem infot leiab sellelt lingilt


Oil paintings 45 x 45 cm, wall painting

Curators: Lilian Hiob ja Julius Pristauz

This is a collaborative exhibition between Daniel Richter and Nazim Ünal Yilmaz, students of the Chair of Painting at EKA and the instructors of the extended painting course at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. The curators of the exhibition are Lilian Hiob from Estonia and Julius Pristauz from Austria.

Where is the body? gathers assumptions, statements and questions regarding different forms of (self-)embodiment. Questions as to how the body is currently situated in terms of its representation in the students’ practices are central to the curatorial concept of the exhibition. The exhibition presents different depictions and notions of the body in an ever quickly spinning world, opening up space for discussions surrounding it.

The exhibition took place in two chapters. First chapter was located in Austria, Vienna and the second part of the exhibition was in Estonia, Narva.

You can find more info from this link