Nelja mõtte puudutus

The Touch of Four Thoughts

Sofia Fattahhova, Loora Kaubi, Lisette Lepik, Sarah Nõmm
Kestvus-performance (4×6 h)
Dokumentatsioon: Ekke-Peeter Sauter

„Nelja mõtte puudutus“ oli kestvus-perfomance, mis leidis aset Vent Space galeriis Tallinnas. Performance’i ajal lukustasid neli naiskunstnikku end neljaks tööpäevaks galeriisse. Ruum oli jagatud kaheks ning esinejad ja publik olid eraldatud seinaga. Kunstnikud viibisid Vent Space kõige väiksemas, kuue ruutmeetri suuruses ruumis. Igal kunstnikul oli kaasas arvuti, mille videokaamerad olid performance’i ajaks sisse lülitatud ning kaamerate pilt otseülekandena projitseeritud ruumi, kus viibisid külastajad. Nelja päeva jooksul jagasid kunstnikud isiklikke, intiimseid ja haavatavaid kogemusi ainsaks kaitseks kunstnike ja publiku vahel sein.

Link videole:

Sofia Fattahhova, Loora Kaubi, Lisette Lepik, Sarah Nõmm
Durational performance (4x 6 hours)
Documentation by Ekke Peeter Sauter

’’The Touch of Four Thoughts’’ was a durational performance which lasted for 4 days and evey day 6 hours in a row. During the performance four female artists locked themselves into the smallest room of 6 m2 of the gallery. The whole space was divided in two with a wall built by the artists. Performers stayed in their side of the room with four computers with videocameras turned on. Each computer’s screen was projected into the room where the audience recieved a live broadcast. It was the audience’s call whether the artists were in the same room with them, in another building or perhaps the show was recorded beforehand. During the performance artists shared their most personal, intimate and vulnerable experiences.

Link for a video documentation: