Eeva aed

Garden of Eve

Õlimaalid 45 x 45 cm, seinamaal
Kuraator: Sophie L. Durand
Dokumentatsioon: Elo Vahtrik
Graafiline disain: Cristopher Siniväli

Maaliseeria peegeldab isiklikku kogemust menstruatsiooniga ning kimbatuslikku protsessi, mis kaasnes rasestumis- vastaste vahendite valikuga. Seeria tervikuna sümboliseerib menstruaaltsüklit ning enesetundeid, mis tsükli erinevate etappide ajal esinevad. Galeriist saab üsk, kus maaliseeria astub dialoogi näituseruumi seintega. Tänu ekspressiivsele värvikasutusele ja žestikulaarsele väljendusviisile kõneleb iga maal täiesti erinevatest kogemustest igakuise tsükli jooksul.

Näitust kajastati EKA kodulehel ja Echo Gone Wrong meediaplatvormil.

Oil paintings 45 x 45 cm, wall painting
Curator: Sophie L. Durand
Documentation: Elo Vahtrik
Graphic design: Cristopher Siniväli

By using the motif of the flower the exhibition is reflecting on the experience of the menstrual cycle; menstrual pains and the agonizing process of trying different birth-control methods and choosing one. The series as a whole symbolizes the menstrual cycle and the feelings that occur during the various stages of the cycle. The exhibition space is transformed into a womb holding a series of paintings within its walls. Through expressive use of colour and gestural mark each painting speaks to totally different experiences within the monthly cycle.

The exhibition was featured on EKA website and Echo Gone Wrong media platform.