EKA Community Garden
EKA AED on 2020. aastal tudengite algatatud kogukonnaprojekt Eesti Kunstiakadeemia sisehoovis.
Kogukonnaaia projekti algatajatega soovisime luua EKAsse mõnusat paika, mis soosiks tervislikke eluviise ning aitaks EKA erinevate osakondade tudengitel, õppejõudel ning töötajatel lõimuda läbi ühise tegevuse. Kogukonnaaia eesmärk on soodustada linnaaianduse kaudu jätkusuutlikumat eluviisi ning keskkonnateadlikust EKA kogukonnas. Kevadel ja suvel toimub aias mitmeid erinevaid töötubasid, mille kaudu saavad huvilised arendada oma teadmisi aiandusest ning ühiselt kogukonnas toimetada.
EKA AIA tegemistega saab tutvuda Instagramis
EKA Community Garden is a student-run project, which was created in 2020. It is located in the courtyard of Estonian Academy of Arts.
Together with the initiators of the community garden project, we wanted to create a pleasant place at EKA that would promote healthy lifestyles and help students, lecturers and employees of different departments of EKA to integrate through healthy activities. The purpose of the community garden is to promote environmental awareness and more sustainable way of life. During spring and summer, EKA Community Garden hosts a number of different workshops and events, through which all the people who are interested can develop their knowledge of gardening and work together as a community.
You can find out about EKA Community Garden activities on Instagram